I will 2X your matches on dating apps without you having to take new photos
The Profile Alchemist
Select Your Best Photos
Upload all your photos from the last few years (I will teach you what types of photos work best for online dating) and send them to me. The more the better. I will carefully review your photos and select your top 6 photos to create a well-rounded mix for you. If necessary, I will help you get 1-2 new photos remotely to make sure you have an awesome combination.
Make Them App Worthy
Online dating is hyper-competitive and most photos you have just aren’t gonna cut it for reasons such as unflattering lighting, awkward expression, ill-fitting clothes, etc. Luckily, some of these “meh” photos can be turned into great ones. I will polish your photos with subtle and realistic retouching to help you get better matches, without making you a catfish.
Write Your Profile Bio
I’ve reviewed and improved many profiles for my clients over the years and learned a thing or two. From what I’ve seen, most guys shoot themselves in the foot by sounding needy, tryhard, or defeated in their dating profiles. This is not a wise way to make a first impression. I will help you create a bio/prompts that are concise and intriguing.
Ebook Guides and Coaching
Getting matches on dating apps is only half of the battle. You also need to know how to be interesting and charismatic when messaging them to create connection and chemistry. I will help you with all that. You will get detailed guidebooks (on fashion and messaging) and one month of access to me. I will help you get dates after the profile is up and running.
I Won't Sell You a Dream
I will not take your payment until I’ve reviewed your online dating photos and made sure they are worth editing.
You'll Get Future Support
I can edit more pictures if you get better ones in the future for a small fee. It’s good to update your online dating profile.

I will give you the no-bullshit answer here.
This service is not meant for you (at the moment) IF:
You have zero photos of yourself or all of your current online dating photos are selfies.
You are greatly overweight or dressed very poorly in all of your current photos.
Don’t waste your money, you should handle these prerequisites first.
But if you are a normal guy who dresses decently, and already has some decent photos of yourself hanging out with friends, traveling, playing sports, doing hobbies, etc. I can help you build a solid dating profile that is well-rounded and carefully optimized.
The standards for online dating photos are a lot higher than social media photos. Women are generally VERY picky on dating apps and they will disqualify your dating profile for very minor mistakes/imperfections.
And this is where I come in. I will first create a combination of your best photos so your online dating profile looks fleshed out and not one-dimensional. I will then edit your dating photos to remove any factor that can result in an ick/left swipe. While enhancing your already attractive features without unrealistically altering your appearance. Lastly, I will create a bio/prompts that make you stand out on dating apps and create intrigue.
You will be getting the best matches possible to you after this.
And if you need some help with getting dates or dressing well for your dates, I will be there to guide you.
All in all, this service will help you achieve the best online dating life possible.
You are free to choose what you think is the best for you. My opinion is that it’s rare to find a good photographer at this price range (under $500), let alone someone who understands online dating/female psychology and has the soft skills to make clients who aren’t models look good in the photos.
Most “dating photographers” merely take professional-looking portraits, but it doesn’t mean those “dating photos” will be attractive to the fairer sex. I explained this in detail on my home page.
I designed this service based on my six years of experience as a high-end online dating photographer and my personal dating experience (Nothing crazy really, but I was going on 2 to 3 dates per week just from the apps). It is guaranteed to improve your dating results because it helps you in ALL aspects of online dating.
If this service isn’t right for you because none of your photos will be usable for online dating even after editing, I will just tell you to put this money towards a proper online dating photoshoot with someone COMPETENT. (It will cost a lot more)
If this service is right for you, you will get a better ROI from this service than wasting a similar amount of money on a bunch of staged-looking photos that won’t work.
Well, I understand your concern. If you just landed on this page without knowing anything about me, you are right to be skeptical.
I don’t claim to be an expert at “online dating photos/online dating” because I’m still making mistakes and learning from them every year.
But what I do have is 6 years of experience as a specialized online dating photographer (This is all I do) with hundreds of clients from all over the world. People have flown from Europe and the US to Canada just to do a dating photoshoot with me and left happy with their decision.
I know how to pick photos that are effective for online dating; optimize them with realistic/subtle editing; message girls and get them excited to meet me like the back of my hand. Because I have been doing this for myself and hundreds of others for a very long time.
I’m confident in my ability to help you, too. You can also check out my testimonials on the home page and read my blogs to make up your opinion about me.
Smartphone photos are perfect as online dating photos because they come across as more honest and relatable. As long as your photos look clear and in focus I can create magic with them.
TUNE-UP - C$297
This plan is better suited for guys who already have a decent dating profile but want to further improve their matches with just photo editing and retouching (Lighting, color, clothes, skin, hair, and facial expression). I will edit your current profile pics (up to 6) plus future support.
This plan is made for guys looking to completely overhaul their dating profiles. I will take charge of the entire dating profile creation process and answer all your online dating related questions after your profile is up and running. (You will get the full service described above).